2023-10-12: Disney Bundle? Disney Boondoggle! Tried to merge my Disney+ and Hulu accounts into a bundle. Nope. Can’t do that. I need to …

2023-07-13: OrbStack One of those “Holy shit! How did I miss this?” moments: I ran across a mention of …

2023-04-29: Modern air travel, timeless pet peeves This trip is teaching me the difference between the merely annoying (my luggage being delivered 4 …

2023-03-23: I guess that I can only have as many YubiKeys as I have nail polish colors to identify them…

2023-02-19: The disappearing web For all the Internet is this unforgiving permanent record of everything stupid you ever posted, …

2023-02-19: Repost: Obsessively tracking one's new Texas-bound BMW (or MINI) There have been a number of articles on tracking your new US-bound BMW in transit published online …

2023-02-19: Moved again I guess that I just can’t stop myself: after… checks notes… just over 7 years …